Current topics for a master thesis available here
Started DAAD project on color centers in nanodiamond with the Institute of Physics of CAS, Prague!
Our latest work on SiV centers published in Appl. Phys. Lett. and highlighted in Kudos
Our latest work on nanocone antennas published in Adv. Photonics Res.
The Laboratory for Nano-Optics deeply regrets the tragic accident and the death of Dr. Dmitry Fedyanin. We express our sincere condolences to Dmitry's family and friends. Dmitry was a recipient of a Walter Benjamin Position of the DFG on “Pulsed electrically driven single-photon sources on diamond” and since July 2023 he has been a research associate in our group. We have been collaborating since almost a decade on the electroluminescence from color centers in diamond. We mourn the loss of a good friend and of a talented young scientist.
Group member Navid Soltani obtains the PhD in Physics. Congratulations!
Our book chapter on ultrafast single-photon detection published in Advances in Nonlinear Photonics.
Our latest work on ODMR published in Adv. Quantum Technol.
Join the celebrations for the 50th birthday of the University of Siegen. Check out the program Offene Uni.
Group member Lukas Hunold receives the student prize of the Kreis Olpe for his master thesis. Congratulations Lukas!
Our latest work on biosensing with planar antennas published in Biomed. Opt. Express
Check out the Adv. Photonics Theme Issue on Photonics Advances Quantum Science and Technologies
Our article on scalable SiV creation by ion implantation on the front cover of the December Issue of Adv. Quantum Technol.
Check out the JOSA B Feature Issue on Light-Matter Interaction in Complex Photonics Systems
Our latest work on planar antennas published in JOSA B
Our review on silicon-vacancy centers in diamond published in Frontiers in Physics
Laboratory of Nano-Optics
Das Laboratorium für Nano-Optik umfasst experimentelle wie auch theoretische Forschungsaktivitäten innerhalb der Gebiete der Quanten-Nano-Optik, Nano Spektroskopie und der Nano Sensorik in enger Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen, nationalen und internationalen Forschungsgruppen.
Wir untersuchen Licht jenseits der Diffraktionsgrenze und die Wechselwirkung mit Materie im Nanobereich. Wir sind besonders daran interessiert einzelne Quantensysteme zu untersuchen und Quantenphänomene zu erforschen, die im Sub-Wellenlängenbereich auftreten. Während wir fundamentalen Fragen in Bezug auf Licht, Materie und deren Interaktion nachgehen, könnten unsere Erkenntnisse zu der Entwicklung von Gerätschaften wie etwa neuartige Lichtquellen, Sensoren und funktionalen Materialien führen.
The Laboratory of Nano-Optics encompasses experimental and theoretical research activities in Quantum Nano-Optics, Nano Spectroscopy and Nano Sensing, in tight cooperation with local, national and international research groups.
We investigate the properties of light beyond the diffraction limit and study its interaction with nanoscale matter. We are particularly interested in interrogating single quantum systems and in exploring quantum phenomena that occur at the subwavelength scale. Whilst addressing fundamental questions related to light, matter and their interaction our efforts may also make their way into practical devices, such as a new class of light-sources, sensors and functional materials.