Current topics for a master thesis available here
Started DAAD project on color centers in nanodiamond with the Institute of Physics of CAS, Prague!
Our latest work on SiV centers published in Appl. Phys. Lett. and highlighted in Kudos
Our latest work on nanocone antennas published in Adv. Photonics Res.
The Laboratory for Nano-Optics deeply regrets the tragic accident and the death of Dr. Dmitry Fedyanin. We express our sincere condolences to Dmitry's family and friends. Dmitry was a recipient of a Walter Benjamin Position of the DFG on “Pulsed electrically driven single-photon sources on diamond” and since July 2023 he has been a research associate in our group. We have been collaborating since almost a decade on the electroluminescence from color centers in diamond. We mourn the loss of a good friend and of a talented young scientist.
Group member Navid Soltani obtains the PhD in Physics. Congratulations!
Our book chapter on ultrafast single-photon detection published in Advances in Nonlinear Photonics.
Our latest work on ODMR published in Adv. Quantum Technol.
Join the celebrations for the 50th birthday of the University of Siegen. Check out the program Offene Uni.
Group member Lukas Hunold receives the student prize of the Kreis Olpe for his master thesis. Congratulations Lukas!
Our latest work on biosensing with planar antennas published in Biomed. Opt. Express
Check out the Adv. Photonics Theme Issue on Photonics Advances Quantum Science and Technologies
Our article on scalable SiV creation by ion implantation on the front cover of the December Issue of Adv. Quantum Technol.
Check out the JOSA B Feature Issue on Light-Matter Interaction in Complex Photonics Systems
Our latest work on planar antennas published in JOSA B
Our review on silicon-vacancy centers in diamond published in Frontiers in Physics
Visit from Prof. Stefania Castelletto, RMIT University, Australia.
Group member Philipp Reuschel receives the Award for Applied Quantum Technologies from Fraunhofer IOF for his master thesis.
Group member Navid Soltani obtains the PhD in Physics.
Book chapter on nonlinear optics for ultrafast single-photon detection published in Advances in Nonlinear Photonics.
Contribution to the educational program Newton, RAI Scuola, Luci della Ricerca (in Italian).
Celebrations for the 50th birthday of the University of Siegen. Check out the program Offene Uni.
Group member Lukas Hunold receives the student prize of the Kreis Olpe for his master thesis.
Theme Issue on Photonics Advances Quantum Science and Technologies in Adv. Photonics 3, 060101 (2021)
Our article on scalable SiV creation by ion implantation on the front cover of the December Issue of Adv. Quantum Technol.
Feature Issue on Light-Matter Interaction in Complex Photonics Systems in J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 39, LMI1 (2021)
Our review article on the creaction of silicon-vacancy color centers in diamond by ion implantation published in Front. Phys. 8, 601362 (2021)
The Proceedings of the International School of Physics "E. Fermi", Course 204 "Nanoscale Quantum Optics", are available as an e-book here.
Our work published in Diam. Relat. Mater. demonstrates the controlled creation of color centers in phosphorus-doped (n-type) diamond, which can facilitate the electronics integration of quantum-photonics devices, such as single-photon sources operating upon electrical injection.
WE-Heraeus Klausurtagung at the Alpenhaus in Sauerland. Thanks to the WE-Heraeus Stiftung for supporting our group retreat!
Our work published in J. Phys. Chem Lett. shows how plasmon coupling on bare quantum dots could make chemical approaches developed for improving their optical properties unnecessary, with implications for nanoscale lasers, light-emitting devices, solar cells, and ultrafast single-photon sources.
Review article on Nanoscale Quantum Optics published on arXiv and on Rivista del Nuovo Cimento.
Silicon-vacancy color centers in phosphorous-doped diamond for bright single-photon emission under electrical pumping (SIMPHODIA), DFG-RFBR Cooperation.
The Laboratoy of Nano-Optics becomes a member of Cµ, the Center for Micro- and Nanochemistry and Engineering of the University of Siegen.
Course Nanoscale Quantum Optics at the International School of Physics “E. Fermi”, Varenna (Italy).
Silicon-vacancy color centers created by ion implantation. Activation yield explored in a wide range of parameters. See related article.
Fibre-based planar antennas for biosensing and diagnostic (FASPEC), ERA-NET PhotonicSensing.
High-quality plasmonic nanocones having tips with single-digit radius of curvature can be reproducibly fabricated. See related article.
A flat optical nanoantenna capable of beaming light emitted by a single molecule has been studied theoretically and experimentally. See related article.
A short video about our recent paper on ultrabright single-photon emitting diamond diodes is on YouTube
Diamond-based light sources will lay a foundation for quantum communications of the future, MIPT Press Release.
Ausflug in die Welt der Wellen: Prof. Dr. Mario Agio versucht kleinste Dinge sichtbar zu machen, Siegener Zeitung.
Kinder-Uni schlug hohe Wellen, Siegener Zeitung.
The University of Siegen and the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy sign a 5-years cooperation agreement.
Ultrafast quantum optics and nonlinear spectroscopy with nanosresonators, Inaugural lecture, University of Siegen.
Nanoscale Quantum Optics, Kick-off Workshop of the COST Action MP1403.