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Current topics for a master thesis available here

Started DAAD project on color centers in nanodiamond with the Institute of Physics of CAS, Prague!

Our latest work on SiV centers published in Appl. Phys. Lett. and highlighted in Kudos

Our latest work on nanocone antennas published in Adv. Photonics Res.

The Laboratory for Nano-Optics deeply regrets the tragic accident and the death of Dr. Dmitry Fedyanin. We express our sincere condolences to Dmitry's family and friends. Dmitry was a recipient of a Walter Benjamin Position of the DFG on “Pulsed electrically driven single-photon sources on diamond” and since July 2023 he has been a research associate in our group. We have been collaborating since almost a decade on the electroluminescence from color centers in diamond. We mourn the loss of a good friend and of a talented young scientist.

Group member Navid Soltani obtains the PhD in Physics. Congratulations!

Our book chapter on ultrafast single-photon detection published in Advances in Nonlinear Photonics.

Our latest work on ODMR published in Adv. Quantum Technol.

Join the celebrations for the 50th birthday of the University of Siegen. Check out the program Offene Uni.

Group member Lukas Hunold receives the student prize of the Kreis Olpe for his master thesis. Congratulations Lukas!

Our latest work on biosensing with planar antennas published in Biomed. Opt. Express

Check out the Adv. Photonics Theme Issue on Photonics Advances Quantum Science and Technologies

Our article on scalable SiV creation by ion implantation on the front cover of the December Issue of Adv. Quantum Technol.

Check out the JOSA B Feature Issue on Light-Matter Interaction in Complex Photonics Systems

Our latest work on planar antennas published in JOSA B

Our review on silicon-vacancy centers in diamond published in Frontiers in Physics

Experimentalphysik II

Wo: Universität Siegen, EN Campus, Vorlesung: Raum EN D-114, Übungen: Raum EN D-120 (Di.) und EN B-030 (Do.)
Wann: Sommersemester 2018, Vorlesung: Mo. 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Do. 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Übungen: Di. 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Do. 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Lehrer: Mario Agio  
Mitarbeiter: Jonathan Steinberg, Joshua Fuhrmann    
Literatur: Experimentalphysik II: Elektrizität und Optik (W. Demtröder)  
Thema: Elektrostatik, Magnetismus und Elektrodynamik  
Inhalte: elektrische Ladung und Felder, elektrisches Potenzial, Kapazität, Strom und Widerstand, Magnetfelder, Induktion, Magnetismus und Materie, Schwingkreise, Maxwellsche-Gleichungen, elektromagnetische Wellen, Relativität, Einführung zur Optik

Klausur Termine: 22. August (10:00 - 12:00) EN-D114, 10. September (10:00 - 12:00) EN-D114, 25. September (10:00 - 12:00) EN-B030

Klausure: Klausur I Lösung I , Klausur IILösung II , Klausur III Lösung IIl

Vorbereitung: 8. und 9. Augusut (14:00 - 18:00) EN-D114 

Beispiele: ProbeklausurMusterösung

Mathematik Ergänzung (Vektoren, Integration)  


Blatt 1(Elektrische Ladung und Coulombsche Kraft - Ausgabe 13.04.18 - Abgabe 18.04.18)
Blatt 2 (Elektrisches Feld und Gauss Gesetz - Ausgabe 21.04.18 - Abgabe 26.04.18)
Blatt 3 (E lektrisches Potential, Multipolen und Kondensatoren - Ausgabe 26.04.18 - Abgabe 03.05.18)
Blatt 4 (Kondensatoren und Dielektrika  - Ausgabe 03.05.18 - Abgabe 10.05.18)
Blatt 5 (Kondensatoren, Widerstand, Stromkreise  - Ausgabe 11.05.18 - Abgabe 17.05.18)
Blatt 6 (Magnetostatik I  - Ausgabe 17.05.18 - Abgabe 24.05.18)
Blatt 7 (Magnetostatik  II - Ausgabe 24.05.18 - Abgabe 31.05.18)
Blatt 8 (Induktion  - Ausgabe 30.05.18 - Abgabe 07.06.18)
Blatt 9 (Wechselstromkreise  - Ausgabe 07.06.18 - Abgabe 14.06.18)
Blatt 10 (EM Resonanz und Wellen  - Ausgabe 14.06.18 - Abgabe 21.06.18)
Blatt 11 (Spezielle Relativitätstheorie  - Ausgabe 21.06.18 - Abgabe 28.06.18)
Blatt 12 (EM Wellen  - Ausgabe 28.06.18 - Abgabe 05.07.18)
Blatt 13 (Geometrische Optik  - Ausgabe 05.07.18 - Abgabe 12.07.18)
Blatt 14 (Interferenz  - Ausgabe 12.07.18 - Abgabe 19.07.18)
Blatt 15(Beugung - Ausgabe 20.07.18 - ) 



Lösung 1(Elektrische Ladung und Coulombsche Kraft - Ausgabe 21.04.18)
Lösung 2 (Elektrisches Feld und Gauss Gesetz - Ausgabe 26.04.18)
Lösung 3 (Electrisches Potential, Multipolen und Kondensatoren - Ausgabe 03.05.18)
Lösung 4(Kondensatoren und Dielektrika - Ausgabe 17.05.18)
Lösung 5(Kondensatoren, Widerstand, Stromkreise - Ausgabe 25.05.18)
Lösung 6 ( Magnetostatik I  - Ausgabe 07.06.18)
Lösung 7 (Magnetostatik II  - Ausgabe 07.06.18)
Lösung 8 (Induktion  - Ausgabe 07.06.18)
Lösung 9 (Wechelstromkreise  - Ausgabe 21.06.18)
Lösung 10 (EM Resonanz und Wellen  - Ausgabe 29.06.18)
Lösung 11 (Spezielle Relativitätstheorie  - Ausgabe 06.07.18)
Lösung 12 (EM Wellen  - Ausgabe 19.07.18)
Lösung 13 (Geometrische Optik  - Ausgabe 19.07.18)
Lösung 14 (Interferenz  - Ausgabe 19.07.18)
Lösung 15(Beugung - Ausgabe 22.07.18) 
Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Current topics for a master thesis available here

Started DAAD project on color centers in nanodiamond with the Institute of Physics of CAS, Prague!

Our latest work on SiV centers published in Appl. Phys. Lett. and highlighted in Kudos

Our latest work on nanocone antennas published in Adv. Photonics Res.

The Laboratory for Nano-Optics deeply regrets the tragic accident and the death of Dr. Dmitry Fedyanin. We express our sincere condolences to Dmitry's family and friends. Dmitry was a recipient of a Walter Benjamin Position of the DFG on “Pulsed electrically driven single-photon sources on diamond” and since July 2023 he has been a research associate in our group. We have been collaborating since almost a decade on the electroluminescence from color centers in diamond. We mourn the loss of a good friend and of a talented young scientist.

Group member Navid Soltani obtains the PhD in Physics. Congratulations!

Our book chapter on ultrafast single-photon detection published in Advances in Nonlinear Photonics.

Our latest work on ODMR published in Adv. Quantum Technol.

Join the celebrations for the 50th birthday of the University of Siegen. Check out the program Offene Uni.

Group member Lukas Hunold receives the student prize of the Kreis Olpe for his master thesis. Congratulations Lukas!

Our latest work on biosensing with planar antennas published in Biomed. Opt. Express

Check out the Adv. Photonics Theme Issue on Photonics Advances Quantum Science and Technologies

Our article on scalable SiV creation by ion implantation on the front cover of the December Issue of Adv. Quantum Technol.

Check out the JOSA B Feature Issue on Light-Matter Interaction in Complex Photonics Systems

Our latest work on planar antennas published in JOSA B

Our review on silicon-vacancy centers in diamond published in Frontiers in Physics