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Group member Lukas Strauch receives the student prize of the Kreis Altenkirchen for his master thesis. Congratulations Lukas!

Group member Haritha Kambalathmana obtains the PhD in Physics. Congratulations!

Current topics for a master thesis available here

Started DAAD project on color centers in nanodiamond with the Institute of Physics of CAS, Prague!

Our latest work on SiV centers published in Appl. Phys. Lett. and highlighted in Kudos

Our latest work on nanocone antennas published in Adv. Photonics Res.

The Laboratory for Nano-Optics deeply regrets the tragic accident and the death of Dr. Dmitry Fedyanin. We express our sincere condolences to Dmitry's family and friends. Dmitry was a recipient of a Walter Benjamin Position of the DFG on “Pulsed electrically driven single-photon sources on diamond” and since July 2023 he has been a research associate in our group. We have been collaborating since almost a decade on the electroluminescence from color centers in diamond. We mourn the loss of a good friend and of a talented young scientist.

Group member Navid Soltani obtains the PhD in Physics. Congratulations!

Our book chapter on ultrafast single-photon detection published in Advances in Nonlinear Photonics.

Group member Philipp Rauschel receives the Applied Photonics Award for his master thesis. Congratulations Philipp!

Our latest work on ODMR published in Adv. Quantum Technol.

Join the celebrations for the 50th birthday of the University of Siegen. Check out the program Offene Uni.

Group member Lukas Hunold receives the student prize of the Kreis Olpe for his master thesis. Congratulations Lukas!

Nano Seminar


Small angle light scattering theoretical and experimental approach
Andrii Nehrych, Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany

Generating and manipulating single photons with single molecules
Stephan Götzinger, Max-Planck Institute of the Science of Light and FAU, Germany

Quantum sensing based on color centers in diamond
Assegid Flatae, Univeristy of Siegen, Germany

Four-wave mixing spectroscopy of exciton complexes in quantum dot molecules and 2D semiconductors
Daniel Wigger, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


Plasmon assisted ultrafast photon emission of silicon vacancy (SiV) color centers in diamond membrane
Haritha Kambalathmana, University of Siegen, Germany

Photoluminescence and photocatalytic properties of Er3+-doped In2O3 thin films prepared by sol-gel
Yassamina Keriti, University of Florence, Italy

Quantum optics meets microscopy: An ultra-sensitive resonator microscope and micro-resonator platform
Florian Steiner, LMU, Germany

Luminescence studies of color centers in diamond nanocrystals
Tanya Agrawal, University of Siegen, Germany

Vector magnetometry using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
Philipp Reuschel, University of Siegen, Germany

Electrical excitation of color centers in n-type diamond Schottky diodes
Florian Sledz, University of Siegen, Germany


A scanning planar antenna
Navid Soltani, University of Siegen, Germany


Toward 100% efficiency of photon extraction from single silicon vacancies in diamond
Dmitry Yu. Fedyanin, Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology, Russian Federation

Integration of new materials into silicon based nanophotonics
Stephan Suckow, AMO GmbH, Germany

Probing light-matter interaction in the near-field of nanostructured media
Valentina Krachmalnicoff, Institut Langevin, France


Advanced fluorescence microscopy methods in cell biology - from fluorescence proteins, ion concentrations and super-resolution
Thomas Gensch, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

Metal and alloy nanoparticles from ultrafast, scalable Laser synthesis and their application potential in catalysis and biomedicine
Stephan Barcikowski, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Single emitter nano-optics: From quantum dots to graphene
Klas Linfords, University of Cologne, Germany

Quantum control of single spins in diamond for enhanced sensing
Nicole Fabbri, European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), Italy


Coherent coupling of single molecules to an optical microcavity
Hrishikesh Kelkar, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany

From optical near-field control to nanoscale quantum control
Walter Pfeiffer, University of Bielefeld, Germany

Atomically thin semiconductors light up
Rudolf Bratschitsch, University of Muenster, Germany

A new perspective on nanoscale structure and dynamics with ultrasensitive optical microscopy
Philipp Kukura, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Highly efficient light extraction and directional emission from large refractive-index media with a planar Yagi-Uda antenna
Hossam Galal, University of Siegen, Germany


Micro- to nano-resonators for light emission
Assegid Flatae, University of Siegen, Germany

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Group member Lukas Strauch receives the student prize of the Kreis Altenkirchen for his master thesis. Congratulations Lukas!

Group member Haritha Kambalathmana obtains the PhD in Physics. Congratulations!

Current topics for a master thesis available here

Started DAAD project on color centers in nanodiamond with the Institute of Physics of CAS, Prague!

Our latest work on SiV centers published in Appl. Phys. Lett. and highlighted in Kudos

Our latest work on nanocone antennas published in Adv. Photonics Res.

The Laboratory for Nano-Optics deeply regrets the tragic accident and the death of Dr. Dmitry Fedyanin. We express our sincere condolences to Dmitry's family and friends. Dmitry was a recipient of a Walter Benjamin Position of the DFG on “Pulsed electrically driven single-photon sources on diamond” and since July 2023 he has been a research associate in our group. We have been collaborating since almost a decade on the electroluminescence from color centers in diamond. We mourn the loss of a good friend and of a talented young scientist.

Group member Navid Soltani obtains the PhD in Physics. Congratulations!

Our book chapter on ultrafast single-photon detection published in Advances in Nonlinear Photonics.

Group member Philipp Rauschel receives the Applied Photonics Award for his master thesis. Congratulations Philipp!

Our latest work on ODMR published in Adv. Quantum Technol.

Join the celebrations for the 50th birthday of the University of Siegen. Check out the program Offene Uni.

Group member Lukas Hunold receives the student prize of the Kreis Olpe for his master thesis. Congratulations Lukas!